[4K] Bike Ride in Seoul - Gyeongchun Line Forest Trail (Apr.2021) l 경춘선숲길 자전거길 라이딩 (2021년 4월)

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녹화 날짜: 2021년 4월

???? Recording date: Apr 2021

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????‍♂️ [4K] Bike Ride in Seoul - Gyeongchun Line Forest Trail (Apr.2021) l 경춘선숲길 자전거길 라이딩 (2021년 4월) 전구간 6Km

00:00 intro
00:46 경춘선 숲길(Gyeongchun Line (Railroad) Forest)
00:53 0m
01:03 경춘선 숲길 1구간(Forest Railroad Section 1)
01:52 경춘철교(Gyeongchun Railway Bridge)
02:43 중랑천(Jungnangcheon)
04:06 경춘선숲길 자전거도로(Gyeongchun Line Forest Road Bicycle Road)
04:55 레일바이크(Rail Bike)
05:11 500m
07:46 1.0Km
08:22 경춘선 숲길 2구간(Forest Railroad Section 2)
08:42 동일로192다길(Dongil-ro 192da-gil)
11:06 동일로190길(Dongil-ro 190-gil)
11:14 1.5Km
11:35 동일로186길(Dongil-ro 186-gil)
12:10 동일로184길(Dongil-ro 184-gil)
12:40 동일로182길(Dongil-ro 182-gil)
13:42 동일로178길(Dongil-ro 178-gil)
13:55 2.0Km
14:25 공릉로(Gongneung-ro)
15:10 공릉로26길(Gongneung-ro 26-gil)
16:16 장미터널(Rose Tunnel)
16:46 2.5Km
16:52 화랑로(Hwarang-ro)
18:02 화랑대역(Hwarangdae Station)
19:43 3.0Km
19:48 화랑대 사거리(Hwarangdae Intersection)
21:58 경춘선 숲길 3구간(Forest Railroad Section 3)
22:40 3.5Km
24:00 목예원(Mog-Yewon)
25:16 육군사관학교(Korea Military Academy)
25:44 4.0Km
28:02 태릉골프장(Taereung Golf Course)
28:15 4.5Km
30:24 5.0Km
30:39 태릉선수촌(Korea National Training Center)
33:09 5.5Km
34:31 5.75Km
35:39 경춘선숲길 종점(Gyeongchunseon Forest Road end point)

The Gyeongchun Line (Railroad) Forest Park is a pedestrian walking path and park in northern Seoul. The park was once a disused railway line but through a major restoration project, sections of the Gyeongchun Railway and ​all 12 of the original bridges have been restored. The area is picturesque and the Jungnangcheon Stream flows under the railway. Several additions were also made to the railway so that its pedestrian paths, elevators and observatories would connect to the foot paths and bike trails that run along the stream. The park's preservation has meant that part of the area's modern cultural heritage has been kept intact.

경춘철교 정비는 근대문화유산으로 문화재적 가치를 보전하기 위해 12개의 교각과 철로를 그대로 보전하면서 보행로 조성하고, 철교 아래로 흐르는 중랑천을 따라 이어진 산책로와 자전거도로가 연계되도록 승강기와 전망공간을 조성했다.

My gear: Osmo Pocket

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#seoul #bicycle #cycling
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