#2 UFO fake chemtrail condensation plane that looks fake if you have a better zoom than I
This thing vanished after I stopped filming. If these are real planes where do they fly off to? It appears as if they’re going UP as opposed to traveling horizontally
The stream they leave seems to dissipate but either way very odd how these planes look fake like drones when zoomed in on
Filmed on an iPhoneSE 2020 over Arizona Air Force Base vicinity
For more crazy fake plane and UFO/demonic aerial activity visit LifesAMirage & Enalpekaf channels on YouTube
This thing vanished after I stopped filming. If these are real planes where do they fly off to? It appears as if they’re going UP as opposed to traveling horizontally
The stream they leave seems to dissipate but either way very odd how these planes look fake like drones when zoomed in on
Filmed on an iPhoneSE 2020 over Arizona Air Force Base vicinity
For more crazy fake plane and UFO/demonic aerial activity visit LifesAMirage & Enalpekaf channels on YouTube
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