Kompletna analiza šta Vojska Srbije nabavlja od naoružanja do 2023 godine? Armament for Serbian Army

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6 NORA B-52 M15 self-propelled howitzers, "Alexandar" self-propelled howitzers, i.e. MGS-25 which have a higher degree of automation, "Milosh" M16 armored fighting vehicles with a remote-controlled "Kerber" combat station with a built-in three-barreled M55 20-caliber gun mm.
The "PASARS" anti-aircraft system was also included in the arsenal of the Serbian Armed Forces yesterday. A new variant of "PASARS" that will be equipped with modular guided anti-tank missiles based on the American "IM-SHORAD" system on "Stryker" combat vehicles.
The "PASARS" launchers for the Mistral 3+ anti-aircraft missiles still to be refined. The Serbian Armed Forces is introducing a new series of modernized-digitalized multi-barrel M77 "Oganj" rocket launchers, of which there will be a total of 18 in the arsenal of the Serbian Armed Forces. The last modernization of the P-12M surveillance-acquisition radar so that now all P-12 radars in the Serbian Army have been modernized.
Now P-12 radar can transmit a digital signal to the batteries of the anti-aircraft system "Neva" and the 126th Air Surveillance and Reporting Brigade. Since yesterday the Serbian Army has been using the new all-terrain vehicles "Zastava NTV".
Also on display was the first batch of FAP 2228 box trucks with an installed American 340 HP CUMMINS engine instead of the Mercedes OM 906 280 HP engine, which enter the units of the Serbian Army, and 36 automatic grenade launchers produced by the company "Zastava Arms" M93 caliber 30 mm. This grenade launcher is installed on the modernized infantry fighting vehicle IFV M80A. "Zastava arms" also exhibited the first series of EZ9 pistols in 9mm Parabellum caliber, which will gradually replace the CZ99 pistol as the basic pistol in the Serbian Army.
This pistol represents a further improvement of the pistol model of the Swiss manufacturer "SIG" 226 and 229. The company "Teleoptik" from Zemun exhibited the first series of optical and reflex sights that enter the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Armed drones "Vrabac" that will throw 30 mm grenades are also on display. From the purchased foreign weapons, the President of Serbia said this time that 11 H145M helicopters will arrive. 6 "Lazar 3" armored fighting vehicles
6 samohodnih top-haubica NORA B-52 M15, samohodne top-haubice Aleksandar, odnosno MGS-25 koje imaju veći stepen automatizacije, borbeno-oklopna vozila “Miloš” M16 sa daljinski upravljanom borbenom stanicom “Kerber” sa ugrađenim trocevnim topom M55 kalibra 20 mm.
Protivvazduhoplovni sistem “PASARS” je takođe juče uvršten u arsenal Vojske Srbije. Nova varijanta “PASARS”-a koja će biti opremnjena modularnim vođenim protivoklopni raketama po uzoru na američki sitem “IM-SHORAD” na borbenim vozilima “Stryker”.
Još uvek se rade dorade na lanserima “PASARS”-a za protivvazduhoplovne rakete Mistral 3+. Uvodi nova serija modernizovanog-digitalizovanog višecevnog lansera raketa M-77 “Oganj” kojih će ukupno biti 18 u arsenalu Vojske Srbije.
Poslednja modernizacija osmatračko-akvizicijskog radara P-12M tako da su sada svi radari P-12 u Vojsci Srbije modernizovani.
P-12 sada prosleđuje digitalni signal bateriji protivvazduhoplovnog sistema “Neva” i 126. brigadi vazdušnog osmatranja i javljanja.
Od juče Vojska Srbije koristi i nove terenske automobile kompanije “Zastava TERVO” “Zastava NTV".
Prva partija kamiona sandučara FAP 2228 sa ugrađenim američkim motorom CUMMINS snage 340 ks umesto Mercedesovog motora OM 906 snage 280 KS.
36 automatskih bacač granata proizvodi kompanije “Zastava oružje” M93 kalibra 30 mm. Ovaj bacač granata se ugrađuje modernizovano borbeno vozilo pešadije BVP M-80A.
“Zastava oružje” izložila i prvu seriju pištolja EZ9 u kalibru 9mm Parabelum koji će postepeno zameniti pištolj CZ99 kao osnovni pištolj u Vojsci Srbije.
Ovaj pištolj predstavlja dalje usavršavanje modela pištolja švajcarskog proizvođača “SIG” 226 i 229. Kompanija “Teleoptik” iz Zemuna je izložila prve serije optičkih i refleksnih nišana koji ulaze u naoružanje Vojske Srbije.
Izložene su i naoružane bespilotne letelice “Vrabac” koje će bacati granate kalibra 40 mm. Od kupljenog stranog naoružanja predsednik Srbije je izjavio ovaj put da će stići 11 helikoptera H145M. 6 borbeno oklopnih vozila „Lazar 3“.
Video credit: Personal library
Audio credit: https://www.youtube.com › audiolibrary
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