Novo rusko naoružanje prikazano na ARMY 2022 - The New Russian Armament showed at Forum ARMY 2022

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At the "Army-2022" military forum, which starts on Monday in Podmoskovlje, guests and participants will have the opportunity to see up close various weapons, from the T-14 "Armata" tank, the light amphibious tank "Sprut SDM1", the wheeled combat vehicle K- 17 "Boomerang", to anti-aircraft missile systems "Tor-E2" and RB-504P-E "Silok". It should be noted that "Rosoboronexport" expects that the unmanned aerial vehicles "Orlan-10E", "Orlan-30" will cause great interest among customers. One of the novelties of the upcoming ARMY 2022 fair is the "Kub-E" roving ammunition, which can be used to strike infrastructure facilities. At the Army 2022 fair, the modernized 2S25M Sprut light tank destroyer with the 2A42M-5 gun will be presented, as well as the new T-90M main battle tank used on the battlefield in Ukraine. There will also be a modernized Pancir-S1M short-to-medium-range hybrid anti-aircraft system with two launch tubes out of a total of twelve for launching four smaller missiles to target swarms of drones.
There will also be a BMP-3 tracked infantry fighting vehicle with a BM-30V "Sinica" combat module with a 30 mm Šipunov 2A42 automatic cannon, which is a further development of the 32V01 combat module that is also installed on the Serbian Lazar 3 in the A1 version.
A model of the new Russian H-69 cruise missile will also be presented, which will be launched from the new Russian fighter jets Su-75, Su-57, Su-35 and MiG-35.
A new variant of the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor in the "I" variant will be presented, which, like the "K" variant of the MiG-31, can launch Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.
The latest modification of the BT-3F armored personnel carrier will also appear.
The new BMP "Manul" infantry fighting vehicle will also be presented.
For the Russian naval infantry, a version of the BMP-3 tracked infantry fighting vehicle was produced in the F version, which successfully passed all tests, and it is expected that this combat vehicle will be introduced into the armament of the Russian Army.
Na vojnom forumu „Armija-2022“, koji startuje u ponedeljak u Podmoskovlju, gosti i učesnici imaće priliku izbliza da vide različito oružje, od tenka T-14 „Armata“, lakog amfibijskog tenka „Sprut SDM1“, borbenog vozila na točkovima K-17 „Bumerang“, do protivazduhoplovnih raketnih sistema „Tor-E2“ i RB-504P-E „Silok“ . Treba napomenuti da „Rosoboroneksport“ očekuje da će veliko interesovanje kod kupaca izazvati i bespilotne letelice „Orlan-10E“, „Orlan-30“. Jedan od noviteta predstojećeg sajma ARMY 2022 je lutajuća municija „Kub-E“, koja se koristiti za nanošenje udara po infrastrukturnim objektima. Na sajmu Army 2022 biće predstavljen i modernizovani laki lovac tenkova 2S25M Sprut sa topom 2A42M-5 kao i kod novog glavnog borbenog tenka T-90M koji se koristi na ratištu u Ukrajini. Pojaviće se i modernizovani hibridni protivazduhoplovni system kratkog do srednjeg dometa Pancir-S1M sa dve lansirne cevi od ukupno dvanaest za lansiranje četiri manje rakete za gađanje rojeva dronova.
Pojaviće se i borbeno vozilo pešadije na gusenicama BMP-3 sa borbenim modulom “Sinica” BM-30V sa automatskim topom Šipunov 2A42 kalibra 30 mm koji predstavlja dalji razvoj borbenog modula 32V01 koji je ugrađen i na srpskog Lazara 3 u verziji A1.
Biće predstavljen i model nove ruske krstareće rakete H-69 koja će se lansirati sa novih ruskih borbenih aviona Su-75, Su-57, Su-35 i MiG-35.
Biće predstavljena i nova varijanta lovca-presretača MiG-31 u varijanti “I” koja kao i varijanta MiG-31 varijante “K” može dalansira hipersonične rakete Kinžal.
Pojaviće se i najnova modifikacija oklopnog transportera BT-3F.
Biće predstavljeno i novo borbeno vozilo pešadije BMP “Manul”.
Za rusku mornaričku pešadiju proizvedena je verzija borbenog vozila pešadije na gusenicama BMP-3 u verziji F koja je uspešno prošla sva ispitivanja i očekuje se uvođenje ovog borbenog vozila u naoružanje Ruske Vojske.
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