Sve o kineskom naoružanju Vojske Srbije - Everything about Chinese Armament in Serbian Army

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How reliable is the Chinese weapons used by the Serbian Army?
Two military drones of the Serbian Army landed in the vicinity of the Lađevci military airport. These are Chinese CH-92A reconnaissance-combat drones from the 353rd Reconnaissance Squadron, 98th Aviation Brigade of the Serbian Army. At the beginning of July 2020, Serbia became the beneficiary of 6 Chinese CH-92A reconnaissance-combat drones, which can be armed with semi-active laser-guided FT-8C missiles. As part of the procurement of CH-92A unmanned aerial vehicles, the transfer of technology from CH-92A unmanned aerial vehicles to the domestic unmanned aerial vehicle Pegaz was also agreed upon with China. The question arises, is it possible that the aviation meteorological service did not predict the increase in cloud cover in the area of ​​the CH-92A drones? Another Chinese complex combat system used by the Serbian Armed Forces is the Chinese medium-range anti-aircraft defense system FK-3, which has so far only been purchased by Thailand, the KS-1C version, which was the basis for the development of the HQ-22 air defense system, i.e. its export version FK -3. How reliable and effective is this system in combat?
Koliko je pouzdano kinesko naoružanje koje koristi Vojska Srbije?
U okolini vojnog aerodroma Lađevci su sletele dve vojne bespilotne letelice Vojske Srbije. U pitanju su kineske izviđačko-borbene bespilotne letelice CH-92A iz sastava 353. izviđačke eskadrile, 98. vazduhoplovne brigade Vojske Srbije. Srbija je početkom jula 2020. godine postala korisnik 6 kineskih izviđačko-borbenih bespilotnih letelica CH-92A koje mogu biti naoružane poluaktivno laserski vođenim raketama FT-8C. U okviru nabavke bespilotnih letelica CH-92A sa Kinom je dogovoren i transfer tehnologija sa CH-92A bespilotnih letelica na domaću bespilotnu letelicu Pegaz. Postavlja se pitanje da li je moguće da meteorološka služba pri avijaciji nije predvidela povećanje oblačnosti u reonu letenja bespilotnih letelica CH-92A? Drugi kineski složeni borbeni sistem koji se koristi u Vojsci Srbije je kineski sistem protivvazduhoplovne odbrane srednjeg dometa FK-3 koji je do sada kupio samo Tajland i to verziju KS-1C koja je bila osnova za razvoj sistema PVO HQ-22 odnosno njegove izvozne verzije FK-3. Koliko je ovaj sistem pouzdan i efikasan u borbi?
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