What Weapons Does Ukraine need to Win?

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After securing a deal to receive state of the art battle tanks from the West, Zelensky's weapon wish list is only getting longer. In this video, we break down what weapons Ukraine are asking for and whether the West is likely to send them anytime soon.

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1 - https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2023/01/25/what-makes-germanys-leopard-2-tank-the-best-fit-for-ukraine
2 - https://www.ft.com/content/959c4a23-676e-49d7-b25e-409fa85c397e
3 - https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/01/27/leopard-m1-tanks-germany-russia-ukraine/
4 - https://www.twitter.com/BrianJBerletic/status/1617594118619951105
5 - https://www.flightglobal.com/strength-in-numbers-the-worlds-top-10-military-aircraft-types/115588.article
6 - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/31/us-will-not-supply-f-16-fighter-jets-to-ukraine-says-joe-biden
7 - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/30/ukraine-needs-faster-supply-of-western-weapons-says-zelenskiy
8 - https://www.ft.com/content/4678ec97-bdff-4dfa-9507-dd6f6cb3dcc4
9 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_2
10 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-72
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