China is building a world-class air force | 13th Airshow China | 中国正在建设世界一流的空军 | 第十三届中国航展

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The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)'s Air Force will focus on showing its new achievements in advancing strategic transformation to build a world-class air force at the forthcoming 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China), according to a spokesman of the Air Force.

During the airshow, the PLA Air Force will display its new fighter jets and active-duty main military equipment.

The Chinese air force's August 1st Aerobatic Team and the Red Eagle Aerobatic Team from the Aviation University of the PLA Air Force will also present performances.

The PLA Air Force is accelerating the strategic transformation in line with the strategic requirement of building air-space capabilities and conducting offensive and defensive operations.

The J-20 stealth fighter, the Y-20 military transport aircraft and the surface-to-air missiles are in full battle array.

The capabilities, including strategic early warning, air strikes, air defense and anti-missile operations, information countermeasures, airborne operations, strategic projection, and synthetic guarantee, have been continuously improved, effectively fulfilling missions of the new era, said Shen Jinke, the PLA Air Force spokesman.

"In the past few years, more and more J-20 stealth fighters and Y-20 military transport aircraft are on standby and their capabilities are constantly improved. They have played an increasingly important role in strengthening training for the new era and improving the PLA Air Force's capability to perform its missions and tasks of the new era," said Shen.

As one of the organizers, the PLA Air Force has attended the Airshow China for five consecutive times.

Shen said the airshow demonstrates the strength, spirit and culture of the PLA Air Force and makes the society more deeply understand the important place of air and space power and the significance of air and space security, adding the show has also gathered more wisdom and strength to advance the strategic transformation of the Chinese air force and step towards a world-class air force.

The 13th Airshow China is scheduled for Sept. 28 to Oct. 3 in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province.






解放军空军发言人 申进科 说,战略预警、空袭、防空反导、信息对抗、空降作战、战略投送、综合保障等能力不断提升,有效履行新时代使命。





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