CVR - 1987 Soviet Air Force AN-26 Shootdown

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Added by vindheim
(Note: Aircraft registration is unknown, it was shotdown on December 21st 1987)

Aircraft Photo:

Accident Details:

English subtitles added, huge thanks to Алексей Паленков for helping me!

The aircraft was carrying 6 occupants:
Squadron Commander: Major Kovalev
First Officer: Yuri Devyatka
Navigator: Sergei Yasinsky
FIight Engineer: Vladimir Andrushinin
Radio Operator: Valentin Zhilovsky
Second FIight Engineer: Gennady Petrov

The aircraft was preparing for a flight to Jalalabad for taking wounded soldiers, but the task was changed - it was necessary to make a flight to Bagram. They took off at 16:42 local time and start climbing to 2000 metres. In the third minute of the flight, the plane was hit by MANPADS
(Man-portable air-defense system) which struck the left engine. On the left side, windows were damanaged, fuel was leaking from a punctured tank and a stream of smoke was pouring into the cargo compartment. Having opened the emergency hatch, the crew began to leave the plane by parachutes through emergency exits. The captain held the burning plane to the last, taking it away from Afghan village houses and after all the crew members had jumped out, he jumped out himself, but died because of the small height at which the parachute could not open normally. The crew of a Mi-8 helicopter, which was on duty, having seen the plane crash, took-off without a commander and ensured the rescue of the crew under enemy fire. The helicopter received several gunshot holes. The plane crashed 2 kilometers from the airport in the forest.
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